Monday, June 8, 2009


What is a grade? A mark of learning that has no mental worth only for future learning. It may help you learn to how to learn what is needed in later years but really it is pointless. For in life what is the worth in knowing biology?Math? perfect grammar? MLA format? It's like teaching a dog to walk on two feet. the dog knows perfectly well that walking on four feet is so much faster and yet it will only perform for a treat. how is this true. if you really need me to spell it out it's called college. high school is an act to please colleges that will later please the job you want. i heard something interesting today.....your very smart but your a horrible student. If school was Solly based on brain power i wouldn't be a bad student and yet i am. why is that? it all goes back to the dog we perform for people who are only looking for effort. so this world is based on effort. its true in America because the not so blessed can become a leader. Isn't that a load of bullshit! i don't have money for USC and yet I'm a better student than their entire graduating class. So why then am i not getting the job and the moderate USC guy is? Ahhh but it's OK because i give effort so i can get it. Well the truth is there is not truth. the answer cannot be written and that's why life in America is a gamble. At least it is for the immigrants. so that is what America has created winners and failiers. But that's what everyone does in every country. Yet we give so many rights to little man. the low paid guy. why? someone must fail? Well the truth is America will lie but cover their ass to make it seem like they don't want you to fail. It's ok that they do this because it's important to create hope for everyone. That is why learning in high school is based purely on effort. to give the immigrant a shot. to give the idiot a shot. So I'm not a good student but I'm smart? so many people would say that it's the same thing and yet it has so many contrasts. My dad says I'm lazy. My dad got straight A's all his life. so the Fuck what! it hasn't made him more successful. Are you saying that because i know not how to work based on the standards of others that I'm not trying. The answer is no! My brain power isn't geared towards standards or to know the quadratic formula. it is true the world is based off standards, but what have they really brought to this world? life is all we have to offer. they breeding plantation of god hahahaha that sounds funny....The world feels safe because of these standards. able to prioritize, advance, feel equal.... So for this reason school is pointless to me. It is a race to see who can download the most information the fastest. Why conform? To feel like learning this stuff might actually help you? For as i said is it is a test. A test to see how you can perform. to go to a good college is all everyone wants. But information from this school to that school is the same. so why then a good college? Yet another test to see more progression so the people that will hire you later will help them decide who they want. so therefore the employment is no longer based on the information, it is based on where you get it from.